DevSecOps Checklist for Secure and Efficient Deployment

How do you secure a checklist that ensures safety, swift deployments, and operations without downtime? DevSecOps is the solution to this challenge. Read on for an essential guide 👇


  1. Threat Modeling: Identifying potential threats and vulnerabilities at early development stages.
  2. Security Plugins for IDEs: Integrated tools within the development environment to detect and prevent security issues.
  3. Pre-commit Hooks: Automatic checks to ensure code meets safety and quality standards before approval.
  4. Secure Coding Standards: Defined guidelines for writing code resilient to security vulnerabilities.
  5. Peer Reviews: Code assessment by peers to identify and correct security and quality issues.


  1. Static Application Security Testing: Automated code analysis to identify security weak points.
  2. Security Unit and Functional Tests: Testing individual units and functions of the code for security vulnerabilities.
  3. Dependency Management: Managing and updating external libraries to prevent known security issues.
  4. Secure Build Processes: Establishing safe processes for building, testing, and deploying code.


  1. Dynamic Application Security Testing: Testing the operational application to identify vulnerabilities in real-time.
  2. Cloud Configuration Validation: Ensuring cloud resources are correctly configured to prevent misconfigurations.
  3. Infrastructure Scanning: Examining infrastructure for vulnerabilities and misconfigurations.
  4. Security Acceptance Testing: Verifying that software meets security requirements before deployment.


  1. Security Smoke Tests: Preliminary tests conducted in the production environment to ensure basic functionality and security.
  2. Configuration Checks: Verifying that production environment configurations adhere to security standards.
  3. Live Penetration Testing: Actively probing the production environment to detect and resolve security weaknesses.


  1. Continuous Monitoring: Constant observation of the production environment to detect and respond to security threats.
  2. Threat Verification: Collecting and analyzing information about potential and existing security threats.
  3. Penetration Testing: Controlled attempts to breach the system to detect vulnerabilities.
  4. Postmortem Analysis: Analyzing security incidents without assigning blame to improve future responses.

Ensure your deployment is airtight with our DevSecOps strategies. Dive deeper into each step and fortify your systems against threats while streamlining your operations.